Trend Up Your Look With Sterling Silver Bangles

By Freda Watts

If you are a woman, then this has probably happened to you a lot of times: you walk down a street of the market and as you pass a jewelry store, you see an incredible beautiful piece of jewelry. You stop dead in your tracks and fantasize about owning it. It has happened to all women and lately it has been happening whenever someone sees sterling silver bangles.

Women of all ages have shown an interest in this metal and its accessories. Be it a teenager, who wants something plain to go with casuals, or a working woman who wants something to go with her formals, you will find a wide variety of options here. Its look is so classy, you can wear it to ball or a charity event. It can be simple, or it can be embedded with precious stones.

This unique material, is an alloy of majority part silver and some other metals . It is often mixed with zinc, platinum and even geranium, but mostly it is mixed with copper. Mixing it with copper makes it more durable and strong; otherwise in its pure form, it is extremely soft and cannot be beaten into anything.

Being strong and long lasting, this alloy is used many different purposes. One of them is for making medical instruments and surgical instruments. History too has seen it being used by our earliest civilizations in Egypt and in Rome. Lately, it was replaced with plastic instruments because they can be disposed after use, thereby ensuring higher levels of sanity and sterility.

Musical instruments too benefit from its use. Wind instruments such as the flute and saxophone are made out of this alloy. It has a very special character of sound which makes its use very advantageous for the manufacturers. It makes the instruments colorful and resonant.

But perhaps the most widely used industry for this is the fashion and jewelry industry. People fashion jewelry out of it, but that is not where its use is limited. We also see ornate decoration items made from silver that is regularly put on auction by big houses like Sotheby. We see silveren pitchers, candle sticks and plates among others.

Every time you buy sterling silver, you have to make sure that you are buying the highest quality of it. You can check it against its standards. Another impressive fact about this material is that it is very easy to handle. So if you want to make some jewelry for yourself at home, you can easily do that. But buy the wires and not the coarse material because that would be difficult to mold. Girls can make bangles and bracelets for themselves at home and group together some of them when they wear it.

So the next time you are headed out of your house for an event or for school, make sure you have some sterling silver bangles on. They are not overly expensive and suit any kind of budget. And the good thing is, they will definitely look good on you.