Advantages Of A Geneva Quartz Watch

By Jason Pane

Many people chose to purchase a Geneva Quartz Watch. This is because they can be assured of extremely high quality workmanship. The Swiss city of Geneva has been the center of manufacturing for different time pieces for hundreds of years. The cuckoo clock is an attractive and traditional example of Swiss craftsmanship.

Switzerland is famous for its high quality products. Just that fact that an item has been manufactured in this beautiful Alpine nation infers that it is of the best quality. The county also has a long history of making clocks and watches. Because of the mountainous terrain the land is not suitable for farming and instead there has for many hundreds of years been a focus on precision manufacturing of timepieces.

When the name Geneva is applied to watches it tells that buyer that over half of the manufacturing was done in the Canton of Geneva. Switzerland is divided into administrative districts known as Cantons. This is a way to ensure that extremely high standards are always maintained. The Swiss craftsmen do not want to put their names to a product that does not meet exceptionally high standards.

Traditionally watches were powered by an intricate system of gears and springs, known as the movement. They had to be wound daily to provide the power to keep time. This exacting work was taken to the highest standards by the Swiss workers and this tradition has continued into the modern day. With the advent of new technology, most watches are powered by tiny quartz batteries. Although the technology may have changed the high standards have not.

These batteries are tiny and supply an electric current that provides power to the watch. They have several advantages over the older types of movement. They are extremely accurate, last longer and can be mass produced. The quartz watches are now the most popular type available. They provide excellent value for money and reliability.

Most buyers will want to ensure that their new watch is indeed Swiss. This determination is simple. Watches who's movements are at least fifty percent manufactured in Switzerland, can be called Swiss. There will be a stamp saying Swiss made or simply Swiss. This allows the high standards to continue and protects the quality of the Swiss name.

A Geneva Quartz Watch is well worth the investment. The buyer can be assured of a very high quality product that will provide years of accurate time keeping. After hundreds of years the Swiss craftsmen still have immense pride in their work. They ensure that all their watches meet exacting standards rarely found anywhere else.

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