Necessary Items For Jewelry Making

By Rod Buchanon

When jewelry making, it is important to ensure that all the necessary tools are present before embarking on a project. Having the right tools can save a lot of time, helping the individual to work efficiently and precisely. While there are a range of fancy tools and gadgets that can be used to create a number different styles and effects, having a few key tools will work just as well to produce the same effects with a little practice.

The most vital tool for any jeweler to have by far is a pair of pliers. Many different types of pliers exist, but the truth is that, without pliers, nothing can be achieved. Pliers for jewelry making are not like normal pliers for using around the home for repairs. They are much smaller and have smoother work surfaces instead of teeth to grip. This is because working with soft and delicate wires requires careful handling.

Flat nose or chain nose pliers are definitely at the top of the list. They have the ability to do the most fundamental of things when creating accessories that have materials like metal, wire or beads in them. The beak shape of the jaws allows the pliers to straighten out or bend a piece of wire at an angle, hold pieces of the project still during assembly and also close those tiny metal rings known as jump rings.

Round nose pliers have jaws with a conical shape. The jaws get narrower closer to the tip. There are no grooves in this type of pliers, in order to not scratch or nick any metal or wire whilst working. Round nose pliers are used to create different sizes of loops. They can close and open jump rings and produce consistently smooth lengths of looped wire.

Wire looping pliers, nylon tipped pliers and crimping pliers are also available but not as necessary. Wire looping pliers simply make it easier and quicker to create loops. Nylon tipped pliers have removable soft tips that are ideal for handling very delicate materials that are prone to scratching. Crimping pliers can close crimp beads nicely and neatly without damaging the loop.

If you are going to work with wire then you are going to definitely need to get a pair of cutters. You can choose between flush cutters or bevel cutters. Bevel cutters are less expensive, probably because it requires more work to finish the project after cutting wire at an angle. This leaves a wire tip that often requires you to file it down to finish. The other kind, however, cut to provide a flat finish to the wire tip.

Of course, if the cutters used leave any sort of rough edge that needs finishing, then another necessary tool to have is a file. Not only can files be used to smooth rough ends of wire, they can also be used to make beads smoother. They are available in packs of assorted sizes to accommodate a number of projects.

Finally, when it comes to jewelry making tools, a kit is incomplete without a pair of tweezers for ease and precision; some needles for beading; and also thread or thin wire for beading. It is best to have a range of needle sizes to suit the type of project. Glue is also great to have on hand for a variety of reasons. There are many different types of adhesives available to suit any kind of artwork.

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